Friends of the Great Falls Discovery Center
The Friends of the Great Falls Discovery Center is a volunteer group that provides financial and program support for the Great Falls Discovery Center. Our mission is to support the center and the staff of the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) in programs to promote the education of the natural, cultural, and industrial history of the Connecticut River Watershed and stewardship.
Join the Friends and share in our efforts to develop, preserve, and enjoy the many wonderful Connecticut River resources!
Take a close look at ‘Volunteer’ to see current ideas.
What we do
Serving the local community and drawing visitors from afar, the Friends help with the GFDC’s major public events, such as live animal programs, the annual Family Fishing Day, and nature programs. Friends work with other local groups to promote nature-themed and cultural events, such as the annual Connecticut River Source-to-Sea Clean-up and the Migrations Festival. Through grant writing, membership dues, donations, and a monthly live-music Coffeehouse series, held in the lovely and acoustically rich Great Hall, the Friends volunteers provide crucial fundraising so that the Center can continue to offer free nature and cultural programs to children and adults.
Fundraising by the Friends Group provides supports a wide variety of events and programs helping to make the Great Falls Discovery Center a lively and popular destination for children and adults. Because of the Friends efforts you might enjoy:
- Live animal programs from local natural history museums and animal educators
- Programming from guest speakers on a variety of topics like the arts, biology, or history.
- Story Walks, story hours, and Junior Ranger programs.
- Materials for student field trips and handouts on Southern New England tribes, local paper mills, and walking tours
- Special events like, “It’s A Wonderful Night in Turners Falls,” Great Falls Festival, Pocumtuck Homelands Festival, Family Fishing Day, Cider Days, Migrations Festival, and the DCR’s First Day Hike.
- Improvements to the Great Hall’s audio system, exhibits, and outdoor gardens including pollinator gardens.
Additionally the Friends Group
- Hosts a Coffeehouse Music program series
- Provides volunteer help with special events, field trips, and the welcome desk.
If you’re interested in volunteering at the Discovery Center email us at friendsofgfdc@gmail.com.
See list below for specific ways to help right now.
OR email if you have other ideas, like setting up programs or exhibits in the Great Hall
The Benefits of Membership
- Find camaraderie and friendship with others who care about the plants, animals, and places that make this region so beautiful.
- Expand your world by working with a mix of people – students, children, agency staff, retirees, nature experts– on a variety of projects.
- Participate in the local scene by staffing our booth at the annual Great Falls Festival and helping with DCR’s Park Serve Day or First Day Hike.
- Use your talents! Share your knowledge about nature and ecology or local history. Use your grant writing expertise. Do a program for children or adults. Help with the Museum Store. Lead a local hike or tour. Have another idea? You can find your palace as a Friend of the GFDC.
- Join us! Have a vote at the Annual Meeting, be on our monthly events mailing list, and enjoy a 10% discount on all items at the Museum Store.
The Friends Group could use your help!
- Learn how to greet visitors at the center
- Operate the museum store.
- Help out with refreshments at events, especially at the monthly Coffeehouse.
Become a Friend
To join the Friends, select an option: